Our staff provides educational services for infants through pre-kindergarten age children. We have a bilingual curriculum that fosters the development of English and Spanish skills using a dual language model. Learning takes place throughout the day in English or Spanish, depending on the language plan chosen for each classroom that day. We assist children in identifying their cultural strengths and exploring the many contributions of our diverse community.
Our goal is to develop competent bilingual students who will be successful in an academic environment. The cultural arts play a dominant role in our curriculum. We strive to incorporate the many voices and art forms of our diverse community into the curriculum. Our staff encourages children and families to participate in community events as a part of the bilingual, bicultural learning experience.
Validation of home culture and language are also very important components of our curriculum development process. The traditions and interactions that go on at home have an impact on the ways that we manage your child’s behavior and address their learning style. We strive to work toward the same goals with a common understanding in order to ensure each child’s emotional well-being and academic success.
There are various ways in which families can be involved in the La Escuelita Bilingual School community and contribute to our curriculum. There will be scheduled individual-parent orientations, curriculum nights, and parent-teacher conferences in order to ensure that we are on the accord as to the care of your child. We encourage all parents to attend our monthly parent meetings that cover different topics from behavior management to literacy at home.
Behavior Management Policy at La Escuelita Bilingual School
The goal of behavior management is to assist children in developing self-control and acceptable behavior in a manner that does not undermine their self-esteem. Our behavior management method enhances learning and teaches new skills. We provide a positive atmosphere by using a pleasant voice, modeling or informing the child as to the appropriate behavior expected.
La Escuelita Bilingual School prohibits punitive discipline. Any form of corporal punishment, spanking, verbal mistreatment or unnecessary or harsh punishment is prohibited. Children will be asked to remove themselves from a conflicting situation in order to help them regain control. This will last no more than one or two minutes. As soon as the child is ready, they will be allowed to return to the group. Staff members will help the child integrate into the group in a positive manner.
If issues of concern emerge, our staff will meet with parents to discuss a behavior management plan to help the child overcome any behavioral issues.